Tel: 01442 262368
Monday – Friday ~ 8.30am – 5.30pm
Saturday ~ 8.30am – 5.30pm
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3 in stock
This is a sinking version of our incredibly popular Arma-Kord leader material. Whilst the original version particularly lends itself to use as a shockleader when spodding, Arma-Kord Sinking is more suited to situations where you require any incredibly strong, abrasion-resistant snag or shock leader material for use on your actual fishing rods. It is the perfect choice for snaggy waters as it will lie on the bottom close to your rig – it should be used in conjunction with our fused leaders, Kable leadcore or rig tubing – and then during the fight with a carp it will help to prevent cut-offs on snags. It also makes a great shockleader material if you are fishing at long range, as the lack of stretch helps you to properly compress the rod.
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